Worldly thoughts and Laundry

I had intended to write on some topic concerning  education. I had visions of it being the best post ever written and being picked up by the ethereal web. My fame was only a short essay away! But first I had to fold the laundry ,the drier just rang.

I opened the dryer door and pulled out the clothes into a basket. I don’t use the light in that room, I live green. As  I pick up the first piece , a pair of shorts, I think “Funny color”  . Not until I reach for the second does it dawn on me that something has gone wrong…..horribly WRONG!  THAT WAS CRAYON!!!

A full load of clothes covered in various shades of red. I threw what was left on to the floor. Where was the culprit?  And ,yes. the crayon still existed! How could this be? I yelled ,I screamed! I swore crayons would never enter the house again! Why,oh, why do these things happen to me?  All were afraid, “we can fix them” they said. NO! I was sure all was lost.  To my utter dismay my favorite shirt was one of the unlucky. I do not consider myself materialistic but once in a while a comfortable shirt , skirt or pair of pants comes along that a mommy can really appreciate. This shirt was one of those.

I gave myself a moment.(After stomping around and cursing Crayola) The kids each began grabbing their own for saving. I got on the internet. In all the vastness that is the internet, there must be something that can help. Low and behold , my first hit! Same problem  and some were worse, YEAH! Like others before me, I used what I had  and  put extra soap hot water and vinegar in the washer. To my astonishment 90% came out and the rest is soaking right now!! I went and got goo a hand cleaner to presoak on the clothes and clean the dryer. So far so good. Anything is better than what I had 24 hours ago.

Well, so much for my prize-winning prose. I win though, I don’t have to shop for new clothes! God  is good.( And the internet helps.)

Maybe another day …….. then again I have kids.                                                                                                                            



About sixathome

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ Mom to six children that have never been sent to school.
This entry was posted in crayons, family, kids, Laundry, Life, red crayon, stain. Bookmark the permalink.

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